Writing to help you bump into Jesus.

An Inspirational Flower – By Guest Author Phil Payne

On Valentine’s day, each resident (or couple) at Covenant Living received a lovely bouquet of roses and poppies.   As I looked down at one of the poppies I saw a thin ring of gold at the center.  So –

thanks to the wonderful camera on my iPhone and a little bit of Photoshop editing I can share with you what I saw.


I immediately thought of Jesus’s words recorded in the Bible. (Matthew 6:28-30) “Consider the lilies of the field. They neither toil nor spin, yet I tell you that (King) Solomon in all his splendor was not clothed like one of these.


Was Jesus holding up a purple poppy – just like the one I photographed?  In the poppy, I can imagine that I was looking down on King Solomon from above. His jet black hair is parted at the middle,  There is a crown of gold on his head, and radiant purple robes fall off his shoulders. Can you see the image?  Does the photo enrich the scripture for you?


in his Grace, Phil

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