Practical Needs

Our desire is to share God’s love and care to the world around us. This often happens as we reach out and help those in need. Sometimes it means sharing a burden while other times it means using our strength and abilities to accomplish a task. Whatever the need looks like, we want to connect those who can help with those who are in a place of need.


Two of the ways we help others are through our Helping Hands Ministry and our Church Needs (details below).


If you would like to be contacted when there is a need, we’d love for you to join our team.

I want to help!

Helping Hands

Helping Hands is a ministry that comes alongside single parents, widows, senior citizens, those impacted by COVID-19, and those struggling financially in an effort to meet practical needs. As needs arise, volunteers come together to complete basic home repair and maintenance projects.

Helping Hands will take on small jobs that can be completed by a team of volunteers in one day. Leaking faucets, painting, weeds, consulting regarding a problem, etc. If you have a home care need, please let us know.

church needs

It is our desire to connect our church family to one another in their time of need.

Please let us know if you have a need or may be able to help with a need.