Our Three Paths of discipleship

A Community of Faith

We know our culture longs for connection and genuine friendship.  Everybody wants a place to belong.  At the same time, we also know this God given desire for community is rarely found by pursuing it directly.  Rather, community is a fruit of something else.  Therefore, we encourage you to engage in one or more of the following opportunities that make up our discipleship process.  As you do, we are confident the fruit of community will begin to grow, and you will find a little more of what your heart desires.

Know God’s Story

Monte Vista Chapel is dedicated to faithfully pass on both the traditions and teachings God has revealed to all people through Scripture.  Our desire is to know the story of God through history and understand how that story impacts the entirety of our lives.  We want people to discover their place in that story and experience how it gives meaning, provides direction and brings healing to our entire lives.


Whether working through books of the bible or exploring topics from a biblical perspective, our weekly sermons seek to teach and apply the truths of scripture to your daily life.


Joining a small group or classroom bible study is an interactive way to discover God’s story and where you fit within it. Click the button to let us know you are interested and begin the conversation.

Develop Christ’s Character

There’s an excitement in the air here; an expectancy that lives are being changed in and throughout our community. This is due to our deep commitment to knowing and becoming like Jesus. As a community, we are continually being transformed as we spend time with Jesus and open our hearts and minds to the movement of the Holy Spirit. We trust that as we intentionally build our relationship with Jesus, engage in spiritual practices, and live as an authentic community, we will increasingly take on the character of Christ.


The Journey is a year-long spiritual formation and discipleship cohort where participants learn to follow and become more like Jesus in deeper ways. Through a combination of weekend retreats and monthly gatherings, we teach practical tools to deepen your relationship with God, with yourself, and with others. Click the button to learn more or if you are ready to register for the next available cohort, CLICK HERE


An eight week, facilitator-led study that focuses on the integration of contemplative spirituality and emotional health. EHS helps you unpack core biblical principles that will facilitate lasting, beneath-the-surface transformation in your relationship with Christ.


Spiritual disciplines, also called practices, are ways of intentionally building your relationship with God. Some disciplines are more concrete and knowledge-based, while others are more abstract and experiential. Both types are needed to learn to bring the daily stuff of life into a conversation with the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.


These small groups (usually 4-6 people) are intentionally designed to facilitate spiritual and emotional awareness and growth. Through the sharing of our stories we learn to be attentive to the Holy Spirit as we listen to what he may be doing in our lives and the lives of others. If you are looking for a safe space to deepen your relationship with God and others, a story group may be just the place for you.

Expand God’s kingdom

We are on mission with God. In all we do, we are conduits of God’s blessings, bringing Jesus and his good, just, and loving ways to all humanity both locally and around the world. This is central to our calling as Christ followers. We see every sphere of life; family, friendships, work, our neighborhoods and our communities as opportunities to share, in word and deed, God’s deep love for the world.

Serving Opportunities

One of the best ways to expand God’s kingdom as well as get connected in the life of the church is by finding a place to serve. From creative arts to leading a small group of students, there is a place for you.

Third Spaces

Third Spaces are non-traditional groups that are steeped in mission, aligned by common values, and focused on bringing the Kingdom of God into their community. So while COVID-19 may have disrupted the Church in unprecedented ways, we believe that God is using it to help us dream again about what the church can do.

World Missions

Because God desires the whole world to know his love, world missions is part of Monte Vista Chapel’s DNA. For over 50 years, we have developed, sent and supported missionaries who are serving throughout the world.

The Table Missional Cohort

Once we’ve encountered the goodness of God, we want to share it with others. However, most of us struggle to know what that looks like in practical, natural ways. Come with us as we spend a year exploring what it looks like for you to expand God’s kingdom in your family, neighborhood, community and even to the ends of the earth.

Worship Arts

How have you been created to worship? Maybe its as a vocalist, musician, writer, or something else that God has placed on your heart. We would love to have a conversation about what you are observing in your life, and how God may be inviting you to engage in our community of worship here at MVC. It may be unclear as to what he is calling you, but that is ok! We would love to help you sort through the questions that come up and find a way to serve in worship together.