Writing to help you bump into Jesus.

God is Fueling His Mission – By Guest Author, Bob Rasmussen


Along with all gatherings, our MVC mission conference was cancelled due to the stay-at-home order. However, thanks to video technology, we had a terrific worship service, with a message from Brian Miller about Jesus’ teaching on money and the heart. It’s sobering to realize that what we treasure (think about, give to, desire) draws our hearts in that direction.


The other conference “gathering” was a video prayer time with about 25 of our missionaries and intercessors from their living room computers. Gordy noted afterwards that one theme of the call was disappointment that so many ministry plans have been scrapped. Training and outreach events often take months to plan, with multiple teams and agencies partnering together, so cancelling is painful.


Another theme which has emerged in several prayer times is a hopeful one. God is on mission, and His work goes on no matter the resistance or confinement. Not only has the good news of Jesus survived persecution, plague, and death, the mission of God always thrives during such times. And why? Because the Word of God is not bound by walls, laws, or germs.


Ironically, the only force that unfailingly inhibits the spread of the gospel is the apathy of the Church!


Do you remember when critics charged Jesus’ disciples with lawbreaking because they didn’t keep the fasts? Jesus replied that, like faithful groomsmen, His disciples celebrated in His presence. But, He said, they will fast later when I’m gone, because they will miss me and long for my company.


Pastor Eric mentioned in a recent sermon that during this Lent season, we all find that fasting has come to us. We are confined, unable to do and go as normal.


Which brings me to the question that has been stirring in my heart. How does Jesus, the Head of the body, want the Church to arise as a more united, fit, and mature force for mission because of this unprecedented season of training?


I am convinced that the global Church will emerge from this pandemic with a clearer image of the unshakable kingdom. We will be invigorated by the Spirit, strengthened in the Word of God, and unashamed of the gospel of the death, burial, and resurrection of Jesus.


When we read through the Book of Acts, we find very few seasons of calm. Instead, there was martyrdom, persecution, imprisonment, shipwreck, beatings, prejudice, and more. Four of Paul’s letters are “prison epistles” (Ephesians, Philippians, Colossians, and Philemon).


I’m currently studying and writing through Ephesians and I am amazed at what I see as I practice “shelter in place.” If Paul be our example, confinement is a great opportunity to see the liberty and grandeur of God! The heavenly truths about which Paul writes have always been, and will always be true. As I wrote recently, when the Covid-19 dust settles, the truth written in Scripture will be clearly seen, glistening in the light as it always has.


These are not wasted months. Historically in times of plague, the Church has served courageously, often at great sacrifice. We as MVC may be scattered, but we are together in Spirit. With God, we will emerge stronger than before. God is on mission. Let’s join Him, and watch for the magnificent works He will do here and around the world.


Here are a couple ideas for you to consider:

  1. Set aside time to read through the book of Acts, paying attention to the various hindrances the gospel overcame and accelerated as a result.
  2. Budget the amount of time you spend reading transitory news of the virus, and focus more on spending time with God, reflecting on what He wants to do in your own life, your neighborhood, and your family.
  3. If you would like to join my study through Ephesians, here is a link to “Robert’s, Today with Jesus” where you can sign up and read past issues.


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