Writing to help you bump into Jesus.

By Pastor Dan Navarra


Dear Students,  It’s the way I start this letter but it’s also a phrase describing my shepherd’s heart for you all. You are dear to me, students.

No doubt, this quarantine that has caused your spring full of school and dreams of life to be derailed. I’m sure, as with most things it is polarizing among you who may stumble upon this. For some, the time off of school away from the pain of your normal life is welcomed; and for others who crave the lifeblood of interaction, this solitude is full of lament and pain.


Allow me to tell you a story.


Five years ago, the high school ministry at Monte Vista Chapel became The Point under my new leadership, following 2+ decades under Pastor Dave’s leadership. And as part of the rebranding and relaunching of the ministry that spring, I began our kickoff with a spoken word video I prayerfully made called, ‘The Year of the What If’. It begged many questions as our newly-birthed youth group family faced some major transition of identity and culture. It asked us to consider if the strain of change and uncertainty would be worth it. And, dear students, I’m asking that question of you all again. I realize none of you were in high school when the video was shown. Here it is:


We are being faced with an unprecedented event in our history. The last one of these “I’ll never forget it” moments seems to be 9/11 if you’re wondering what the global impact of this Coronavirus has been thus far. My first encouragement?  Don’t just check out of the world around you, even though you’re stuck at home. I realize that many of you are grieving the loss you are experiencing right now. Some of you are grieving the loss of a sports season, awards, graduations, performances, recitals, dances, spring breaks, romance and relationships, and more. I grieve with you as I take my kids on walks to the park…only to not let them climb on the playground because it’s not safe right now. Everyone is losing something right now. And it can feel like a mess.


And yet, as the classic song says…”I can see a light that is coming for a hope that holds on. There will be an end, to these troubles, but until that day comes…” Praise has become my ammunition for fighting this battle. My voice is the weapon God has given me, and I’m choosing to use it to praise God, even in the storm. I’ve also been drawn to stillness and reflection in a new way since this season began and I want to encourage you with more of the same. When was the last time you took a slow, long, deep breath and held it in and then slowed your exhale enough to calm your spirit? When was the last time you blasted some worship music and let it move you into God’s presence? There’s a tremendous opportunity each of us has in front of us to find deep revival in our spirts through this pandemic. There is nothing right now other than our own avoidance to draw us away from God. Will you respond by drawing near to God? Will you respond with an anthem of praise? Our response is never in vain! Scripture promises that as we draw near to God, He does his part and in turn draws near to us (James 4:8). Maybe it’s been a while since you’ve felt close to God, heard His voice, or spent quality time with your Creator. In true “Dan fashion”I want you to hear these next two words being shouted too loud into a completely incessant microphone turned up way too loud…




Let’s press in (John 15:4), hard! Let’s run with unwavering endurance the race God has marked out in front of us (Hebrews 12:1-3), even if the race is done in the confines of your home for a hot minute. If you know me at all you known I am an optimist. This is no exception. I’m no prophet, but I firmly believe from the ashes of grief and loss that many of us are feeling stuck in right now, a beautiful sunrise will come bursting forth on the coming horizon. I can feel in my bones the revival among our nation, our city, and among many of you just itching to break forth. Do you feel it too?


May you know how dear to me and to God you are. He is the way maker. The miracle worker and the light in the darkness. He created you to bring Him glory. So, why are you waiting for?


Love you all.



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